
In the interest of regional development, it is important that we increase and improve our efforts to sort and recycle our waste. This page provides tips and advice to improve our collective recycling performance.

Did You Know?

As of January 1, 2025, all packaging, containers and printed matter will be accepted in the recycling bin, without exception!

This important change is the result of the modernization of the curbside recycling system that is being rolled out in Quebec.

Reminder : Better recovery for better recycling

What can i put in my bin?

Paper and Cardboard

  • - Containers, packaging and printed matter
  • - Cardboard boxes
  • - Egg cartons
  • - Milk and cream cartons
  • - Multilayer containers (Tetra Pak, such as juice and milk boxes)
  • - Coffee carton cups
  • - Toilet paper and paper towel rolls
  • - Newspapers
  • - Circulars
  • - Magazines
  • - Catalogues
  • - Envelopes
  • - Paper bags
  • - Telephone directories
  • - Notebooks
  • - Wrapping paper
  • - Flyers
  • - Advertising


  • - Containers and packaging
  • - Cans
  • - Lids
  • - Aluminium foil
  • - Aluminum pie plates
  • - Cans


  • - Containers and packaging


  • - All food containers (bottles and containers) of all colors

What not to put in your bin?

- Aerosols
- Fluorescent lighting tubes
- Stickers
- Bicycles
- Propane tanks
- Soiled cartons
- Ceramic
- Nails
- Paper towels
- Window
- Mirror
- Tissue paper
- Wooden objects
- Metal tools
- Straw
- Wax paper
- Parchment paper
- Wallpaper
- Soiled paper
- Auto parts
- Oven dishes (Pyrex type)
- Pottery
- Dishes
- Glasses
- Screw
- Window

Recycling Tips and Advice

  • Flatten or break down cardboard boxes so they take up less space in the bin.
  • To make sorting easier, place shredded paper in a clear plastic bag, do the same for plastic bags and plastic packaging film, attach metal hangers together in bundles.
  • Empty and lightly rinse out the containers.
  • Children’s juice boxes are recyclable, but the straws are not: be sure to remove them!
  • Crush aluminum sheets into compact ball, even when lightly used, before placing them in the bin.
  • Seperate different materials from the same container or packaging (i.e bag of cereals in a cereal box).