These include: rechargeable or single-use batteries, mobile phones and their batteries.
If this service is not offered in your municipality, check the options available in other nearby municipalities.
This includes: clothing, shoes, accessories (hats, scarves, bags, etc.), bed linens, curtains.
Items must be clean and in good condition.
If there is no textile collection service available in your municipality, these items are accepted at many non-profit or community organizations across Argenteuil. Check with nearby municipalities for options.
These include: light bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs and fluorescent lighting tubes.
If this service is not offered in your municipality, check the options available in other nearby municipalities.
These include: Televisions, telephones, computers, tablets, peripherals (keyboard, mouse), printers, scanners, fax machines, radios, DVD or VHS players, CD, MP3 or cassette players, game consoles, cameras and video cameras.
If this service is not offered in your municipality, check the options available in other nearby municipalities.
These include: expired medications (tablets, syrups, creams, ointments), used syringes
If this service is not offered in your municipality, you can take these items to your local pharmacy for disposal. All pharmacies accept expired medications, free of charge.
These include: mineral, synthetic or vegetable oils, oil filters, oil containers, aerosol lubricants, antifreeze and containers.
If this service is not offered in your municipality, check the options available in other nearby municipalities.
This includes: paint (latex, oil, aerosol), primer, varnish, stain, empty paint containers and aerosol cans.
If this service is not offered in your municipality, check the options available in other nearby municipalities.
To find out collection dates or the services offered at your ecocentre, or for more information about waste management, visit your home municipality’s page.